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Since the Juvenile Justice System is part of the the Criminal Justice System, we believe that CJS is largely transparent for Haitian authorities to be entirely more operative in their fight against juvenile delinquency. Thus, our goal is to separate the Juvenile Justice System from the Criminal Justice System. In doing so, we cling to the International Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). Child Liberties should be the standard parameter demonstrated when enforcing juvenile justice. As the signatory of this convention, Haiti will be well regarded within the International Community for protecting children. In this regard, we provide the following services:


  • Fight child abuse or child trafficking within the Restavek system.

  • Fight child prostitution and pornography within the Zokiki system.

  • Train community and social workers.

  • Train employees from public and private educational institutions.

  • Train juvenile correctional officers, lawyers, and judges.

  • Set-up innovative programs outside juvenile detention centers (reinsertion, electronic monitoring, house arrest, probation, drug/prison awareness, child against early pregnancy, child against promiscuity, etc.)   

  • Set-up innovative programs inside juvenile detention centers.

  • Studies to improve the effectiveness of the Juvenile Justice System

  • Set-up legal frameworks to protect the rights of the child against abuses   

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